Professional wall-mounted solenoid-driven dosing. The Tekna Series is SEKO’s range of innovative wallmounted solenoid-driven dosing pumps designed following decades of experience working with customers worldwide. These intuitive multifunctional pumps deliver outstanding precision and reliability, characteristics synonymous with the SEKO name and critical to any customer.
- Accessibility to SekoWeb portal to manage the parameters thanks to Kommbox gateway device
- pH measure range 0 – 14 pH
- ORP measure range ±1500 mV
- Galvanized electrical insulation
- PVDF pump head and ceramic ball
- Installation kit included
- Multi-language menu
- Wizard Probe Calibration and Degree of Health
- Proportional dosing mode
- Solenoid dosing pump with PVDF pump head, FPM gasket and ceramic ball
- AKL constant dosing pump with input level probe
- TPG proportional dosing pump according to an external analogue signal (4 – 20 mA)
- TPR proportional dosing pump with pH/ORP controller instrument included
- TCK constant dosing pump with weekly timer included
IP65 Enclosure
Dimensions 119 x 231 x 146 mm (LxHxD)
Material PP
Main Board
Alphanumeric display 16 characters x 2 lines
Power supply 100 – 240 Vac, 50/60Hz
Tekna - 603
Flow rate 8 l/h ; Pressure 2 bar
Pool Size: Indoor 50 – 650 m³ ; Outdoor 50 – 600 m³
Tekna - 800
Flow rate 18 l/h ; Pressure 2 bar
Pool Size: Indoor 110 – 900 m³ ; Outdoor 100 – 850 m³
Tekna - 803
Flow rate 110 l/h ; Pressure 1 bar
Pool Size: Indoor 250 – 1,500 m³ ; Outdoor 200 – 1,200 m³